Drive More Leads and Sales With THE 5 Videos Service-Based Business must have 

Does this sound familiar: 

  • You get a decent amount of traffic to your website but not a lot of people buy or book sales calls with you
  • Prospects show up to your sales calls still confused about what value to expect from working with you
  • Your competitors with similar services are thriving and you're struggling to stand out from the crowd

If you're reading this, you already know what a powerful tool video is for growing your brand, expanding your audience, and driving more sales for your business.

But you also, probably ...

  • Don't know how to take what's compelling about your brand and turn it into succinct video scripts 
  • Aren't sure how to shoot yourself so that you look and sound good, and represent your brand well 
  • Don't have the time to figure out the two points above through a costly trial and error process

How can you leverage the power of video for your brand without committing yourself to a long-term video content strategy? 

Here's what we know: if you're a coach or service provider whose personal brand, expertise, or authority is a key selling point for your business, you can make your life way easier by getting just a handful of videos right.

Because you spend critical hours every week on your sales calls and 'get to know you' calls explaining yourself, your services, and establishing your expertise over and over again.

By taking our course and following our proven process for creating these 5 Legacy* Videos, you'll be able to ace those repeatable, early conversations you have with prospects and make a good first impression every time!

Nina has a huge amount of knowledge and expertise and she helped me accelerate up the video learning curve. Clock Wise offers great support and motivation to keep going when things get tough!

Diane Titterton

Mindfulness + Wellbeing  Coach, Time To Flourish

Once I learned how to show up on video, I started to show up for my entire business. My business has since shifted and I am attracting the clients I want to work with.

Brad Farris

Leadership Development for Agency Founders, Anchor Advisors

My biggest frustration with video marketing was that I needed to find something easier and faster. So, I attended Nina’s program and got to see her process. And there was something in there that was different that really helped make video marketing click for me.

Connie Vanderzanden

Cash Flow & Business Mentor, Profits with Connie

What would your business look like if ...

  • Prospects showed up to your sales calls already qualified and ready to buy?
  • People meeting you for the first time share how they already feel like they know you from watching your videos?
  • You got consistent compliments (and referrals) because of how well you represented yourself online?

We'll walk you step-by-step through how to accomplish that in our course:

The 5 Videos Every Service-Based Business Must Have (And How to Write Them)

Ensure potential clients show up for sales calls feeling like they already know you (and your brand story)!

Sign up now and get access to our free bonus module:  How to Look and Sound Your Best on Camera

*What is Legacy Video Content and Why Does It Matter?

Legacy video content can represent you, your brand, and your services for years. The content in The 5 Videos Every Service-Based Business Must Have [And How to Write Them)] is all legacy content. They will include your mission, vision, elevator pitch, what makes you and your business uniquely valuable, and your backstory.

In short, it's everything a potential prospect would need to know about you to decide whether or not you're a good fit. 

When done right (by following our proven process for scripting), these videos don't need to be updated, edited, or changed for years.

(In fact, you're more likely to redo these videos because you've changed your hairstyle than because your content has changed.)


We've created an easy way for you to turn your story, your expertise, and your value and translate it into video content that attracts and converts your ideal clients.

  • Fill out our content questionnaire
  •  Learn our proven process for creating your 5 Video Scripts (with examples)
  • Plug and play your questionnaire answers into our script templates

BONUS: Learn how to deliver your newly written scripts effectively on-camera 


You’re Not Only Saving Money You’re Saving Tons of Time!

Edit your caption text here

The Benefits Go Way Beyond Video

Getting your story straight and being able to communicate it consistently in a way that resonates WILL change every aspect of your marketing and sales process. Once you complete this course, you will:

  • Have clear language on who you are, what you do, and for whom you do it, so that you can use these words over and over again (whether you’re at a cocktail party, an in-person event OR on video)
  • Stand out as an authority BECAUSE you have your story straight
  • Be seen as the expert you already are in your field and stand out as an authority BECAUSE you have your story straight and are able to articulate it in a way that resonates
  • Know how to talk about what you do without confusing the heck out of people, so that referrals and introductions are never a problem again! 

AND you have videos that can do all that work while you’re sleeping!

  • Put them in a YouTube playlist
  • Highlight them in your SM channels
  • Put them on your website (duh!)
  • Use the transcript and transform it for your written content

The investment to take our Do It Yourself course is US$ 97 which is tiny compared to the benefits you can get by simply completing the exercises on getting your story straight (before you even get to the video part).

You can earn an enormous return on your investment for this course with just a single additional sale.

What is it costing you to keep explaining yourself over and over again?

How long have you been waiting to get some clear and compelling videos on your website and social media profiles?

When Clock Wise first pivoted from being a traditional video production company to being a remote-first company, we had to learn the hard way.

I spent years, YEARS, trying to figure out how to position myself online so prospects understood what kind of company we were and the value we provided. It wasn’t until 2019 that I finally landed on something that worked consistently and we’ve been refining that ever since.

And I stick with it, because there are things that really piss me off about my industry:


  • It pisses me off that most video production companies are still focused on selling production packages. They get their clients to spend thousands of dollars on a SINGLE video with little to no thought put into HOW that video will actually be used.
  • It pisses me off that video marketers have you shoot video as if you were producing The Titanic with disregard for your time, energy, and wallet.
  • It pisses me off that video influencers sell you a video success formula without consideration of how every business is unique.

I'm personally committed to making sure that you are getting the most out of your time and energy when working with Clock Wise.

Before you even set up your phone or click record, we want you to know exactly how your content is going to support your overall marketing efforts and actually drive sales.

That's why we created The 5 Videos Every Service-Based Business Must Have (And How to Write Them)

Sign up now and get started writing your scripts: 

Meet Your Hosts: Nina + Robin 

(They take video VERY seriously)

Nina Froriep

VIDEO PERSONALITY™: Storyteller with a dash of Entertainer

Nina is an award-winning producer and documentary filmmaker. She’s seen it all from the early days on independent features, to big national TV commercials, corporate mega-shows, and Emmy award-winning documentaries, including one she produced and directed, called Abraham's Children.

She’s worked with stars like Sophia Loren, John Malkovich, and Wynton Marsalis, and interviewed Fortune 500 CEO’s.

Nina has negotiated with teamsters, clients, actors, crew, children, police officers, a few dogs, and one snake. All of them worth great stories.

Today, Nina is a featured LinkedIn Content Creator and Video Marketer, and is excited to enable authors, business coaches, and service-based entrepreneurs to create easy and impactful video marketing, so they can attract their ideal clients and be disruptors in their field of expertise.

She loves spending time outside, especially at the lakes and in the mountains of Switzerland, where she was born and raised.  She’s also a certified citizen pruner which affords her the privilege to prune, take care of, and advocate for the city trees of New York. 

Nina’s owner is a Dachshund-Yorkie-mix, called Tigger.

Robin Friend Stift


Robin found his way to content strategy through two different angles. One was as a classically trained actor and theater producer and the other was as an educator. 

As an actor and theater producer, he has a deep background in using storytelling to emotionally connect with audiences. As an educator, he has a talent for taking complex ideas and breaking them down so that they’re easy and fun to learn.

Content strategy for video marketing is a perfect mix of both. It’s all about delivering the right information, at the right moment, in the right way, to get prospects and leads engaged with our content and ideas. 

Robin met Nina and joined Clock Wise in 2017 after being taken by the sense of camaraderie between Nina and the Clock Wise community and her vision of expanding it.  

Behind every great woman is a man, that’s him. He tackles the big picture as well as everyday challenges at Clock Wise, and leaves Nina free to focus on her filmmaking expertise. 

In addition to strategizing and creating content with Clock Wise he also works with after-school programs and summer camps; helping them grow their programs with attractive content and email marketing.

In his free time, he hangs out with his wife and son, cat and friends, makes theater, and does gymnastics.