Welcome to our new website, our new look, our new brand story.
Clock Wise Productions has been around for over 23 years.
We're ancient in the small business world. So we needed a make-over, a face lift, and a 360.
We ended up with an amazing 720 degree revamp we couldn't be more thrilled about, thanks to the amazing Tiffany Neuman and her team.
Tiffany is a Legacy Brand Transformation speciality and takes a fully holistic approach to re-creating legacy brands from the foundation up.
But I'm jumping ahead a bit.
By the end of 2019 it was apparent that our website had gone through a g'zillion doe-overs, many of them home-made, and the site reflected that.
By the end of 2019 we also had come to the end of a 4-year do-over from hands-on video production company to being a fully digital video marketing agency.
I knew what I wanted for Clock Wise, I knew the direction I wanted to take the company in. We knew who our target audience was.
And our focus, our branding and our content was all over the place.
I kept joking that we had put so much lipstick on the pig (our website), that all there was left, was the lipstick.
Enter Tiffany and her Legacy Brand Transformation Cohort.
A 3-month long group program took my felow cohor mates (all AMAZING women) and me through a thorough, yet gentle and thoughtful process to unearth our brand's roots.
- We re-discovered our values, our dreams, our principles, and our purpose
- Today we have a brand manual that gives us the language we use for all our brand-communications at our fingertips.
- Today we have a style guide that ensures our visuals are always instantly recognizable and on brand message.
- Today, I have 100% clarity, confidence and consistency in my messaging - be it in words, images, videos, or a podcast. We waited so long to do this, always with the excuse that there was no time to deal with a re-brandin or a new website.
- Today, my team and I know how much time clarity on messaging, accompanied by a brand manual and a style guide, saves us! It's invaluable!
I invite you to check out our new website and let us know what you think, and please also visit Tiffany's site for more information on her offerings.